Nursing services at Naas General Hospital aim to deliver quality care which responds to patient/client need based on evidence, research and best practice. Nursing responds to population health needs by developing services in response to changing local need in accordance with local and national policy. Nursing provides a range of Specialist Nursing Services and is currently developing Advanced Nurse Practitioner posts.
A range of education options are available to nurses. In-service education takes the form of mandatory education and optional sessions. In-service education is decided in response to need established through:- survey of staff, needs identifies by managers and the nursing practice development unit, and by all staff at their request.
Access to Post Graduate Education is available through Post Graduate links with Trinity College and the Post Graduate course in Intensive Care Nursing is available at this hospital.
Post Graduate and Continuing Education is encouraged and supported through the hospital and by the HSE
Naas General Hospital is site for Adaptation of Overseas Nurses approved by An Bord Altranais ( The Nursing Board).
Student Nurses receive Clinical placement at Naas General Hospital as part of their Bachelor of Nursing Degree at Trinity College Dublin
Nursing makes a full contribution to the management of the services on a twenty four hour basis by taking an inter-professional perspective and adopting a corporate overview. Nursing is prepared for accreditation in the development of policies safe systems and clinical guidelines and is an active participant in the accreditation process. Nurses are encouraged to be innovative and to introduce new ideas based on evidence and best practice.
Nursing services are provided in all ward areas, Operating Department, Radiology Outpatients Department Accident and Emergency Coronary Care Unit Intensive Care Unit and by Clinical Nurse Specialists
Vacancies are advertised on the careers in healthcare website and in the local newspapers. Informal enquiries are taken by Phone at 045- 897221 by asking for Nursing Administration.
An Induction programme has been developed for nurses and health care assistants that is given at commencement of employment and arranged through the Nursing Practice Development Co-ordinator.