Visiting NGH October 2022
- Oct. 7, 2022
Strict visiting continues at Naas General Hospital to protect our patients and staff and prevent the spread of infection.
The hospital asks that:
- One visit per day from a nominated person
- Visits are no longer than 30 minutes
- Visiting Times: Monday – Sunday:
2pm - 4pm & 6pm - 8pm (one visit per day, 30 minutes max)
You must:
- Check in with Security
- Wear a surgical face mask
- Use hand gel
- Keep social distancing
- Not attend if you have any cold/flu/COVID symptoms
You may be denied entry due to national / local visiting
restrictions, please do not be offended. This is only to protect our patients, staff and members of the public.
If you are unable to wear a surgical face mask, you must have a supporting letter from your Doctor.