Coronary Care Unit

Coronary Care Unit is a 6-bedded ward, which specialises in Cardiology.The ward consists of a Procedures Room, which is used for certain procedures such as cardioversions, and 6 beds with state of the art equipment. Our aim is to meet the needs of our patients to the best of our ability.

Coronary Care Unit (CCU) opened in November 2002. The unit contains 6 beds with state of the art equipment and admits both male and female patients. It is staffed by a team of specially trained doctors and nurses and it may also be visited by members of the multi-disciplinary team such as the physiotherapist, dietician, cardiac rehab and pharmacist.

There is a procedures room within the unit which is used for certain procedures such as cardioversions. We also have 8 telemetry units which can be used to monitor patients around the main hospital, which are monitored from CCU.

As we are an emergency unit we admit patients at anytime, day or night. Whenever possible we try to give patients notice of their transfer to a medical ward to accommodate an emergency admissions. The average length of stay in the unit is 3-5 days, after which patients are transferred to the general medical wards where the same doctors care for them. These doctors are: Dr. Power, Dr. Durity, Dr. O’Driscoll, Dr. O’Gorman, Dr. O'Brien, Dr. Moore and Dr. O’Connor.

Your heart rate and rhythm will be monitored at your bedside. A central monitor which is located at the nurses station, displays all this information on patients and a nurse observes this display 24 hours a day. These monitors have alarms, which frequently sound so try not to be disturbed by this. Be assured that you will be closely monitored during your stay in the CCU.

Level 4
(045) 849 666
Visiting Hours
  • Mon-Sun
    2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Mon-Sun
    6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
For visiting outside these hours, in the case of critically ill patients or in exceptional circumstances, the agreement of the nurse manager on duty must be sought. Recommended visiting duration is 20 minutes.Children under 12 years, apart from patients own children, should not be brought to visit. Additional restrictions will apply from time to time e.g. during outbreaks of infectious diseases.It is recommended that ony two people visit at any one time